Cora the Explorer : Lucerne, Switzerland

Mark and I are both list makers. If I don’t put thing on a list, the chances are just too good that I will forget. Or I might remember, but at a completely inconvenient time, like the middle of the night. We each have an app that is specific to making lists, and we can share and add to each others, so it is quite convenient.

One of the lists that Mark made is called Swiss Bucket List. There is probably more to do in this wonderful country than we could possibly get to before we move back. But one of the things that seems to be universally recommended by everyone we know with kids is the Swiss Transport Museum in Lucerne.

So we decided to head over and check this one off the list during Mark’s paternity leave in May. We rented an apartment downtown so we could walk around the city again as well.

The next morning we got up and headed to to the museum and it did not disappoint. There were areas for each of the main modes of transportation (airplanes, trains, cars, boats, etc.) and so much fun interactive stuff to do. There were simulators and stuff to climb on and things to walk through, and even trucks and scooters in the courtyard to play on. Cora had such a blast. We could have spent so much more time there than we did. But alas, nap time cut us off and we had to head back to the car for the drive home before we knew it.